Does Government Shutdown Affect Refugees Families at U.s Embassy Abroad

President Biden's Executive Actions on Immigration

President Joseph R. Biden Jr. set forth an ambitious clearing agenda in the early days of the Biden-Harris assistants, committing both to reverse harmful policies implemented by the Trump administration and to revitalize the Us immigration system more broadly. In his first 100 days in office, President Biden articulated his immigration and refugee protection goals and reversed many of his predecessor'due south policies in a series of executive actions. He also raised the refugee admissions cap for FY 2021 and endorsed the US Citizenship Human activity of 2021 , which would represent the most sweeping immigration reform legislation in decades and create the largest legalization programme in US history.  President Biden's executive actions address the situation at the southern border, root causes of irregular migration from Primal America, impacts of climatic change on migration, COVID-19 travel restrictions, and fortification of existing legal immigration pathways, too as commitments to create new ones.

President Biden has issued the following immigration-related Executive Orders (EOs) and authoritative policy changes since his first day in office (Click the title below to leap to a clarification of each EO/policy change) :

  • Announcement on Ending Discriminatory Bans on Entry to The United States – January 20, 2021

  • Executive Order on the Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities – Jan xx, 2021

  • Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Activity for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)– January 20, 2021

  • Annunciation on the Termination Of Emergency With Respect To The Southern Border Of The United States And Redirection Of Funds Diverted To Border Wall Structure – Jan 20, 2021

  • Executive Lodge on Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census – January 20, 2021

  • Memorandum Reinstating Deferred Enforced Divergence for Liberians – January 20, 2021

  • US Citizenship Human activity of 2021

  • DHS Statement on the Suspension of New Enrollments in the Migrant Protection Protocols Program– January twenty, 2021

  • Declaration on the Pause of Entry as Immigrants and Not-Immigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Chance of Transmitting Coronavirus Disease – Jan 25, 2021

  • Executive Lodge on Creating a Comprehensive Regional Framework to Address the Causes of Migration, to Manage Migration Throughout North and Central America, and to Provide Safe and Orderly Processing of Asylum Seekers at the United States Border– February 2, 2021

  • Executive Order on Restoring Faith in Our Legal Clearing Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New American– February 2, 2021

  • Executive Order on the Institution of Interagency Job Force on the Reunification of Families – February ii, 2021

  • Executive Guild on Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs to Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Bear on of Climate change on Migration – February iv, 2021

  • Memorandum for the Secretary of State on the Emergency Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Twelvemonth 2021 – April 16, 2021

  • A Annunciation on the Suspension of Entry as Nonimmigrants of Sure Boosted Persons Who Pose a Take a chance of Transmitting Coronavirus Disease 2019 – April 30, 2021

  • Memorandum for the Secretary of State on the Emergency Presidential Decision on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2021 – May iii, 2021

Proclamation on Ending Discriminatory Bans on Entry to The United States – January 20, 2021

This announcement lifts certain restrictions on immigrant visas for nationals of Burma, Eritrea, Iran, Venezuela, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Democratic people's republic of korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, and Yemen. United states Embassies and Consulates in those countries tin resume visa processing and must ensure that awaiting visa and waiver applications are not prejudiced by the previous bans.

From 2017-2020, former President Trump issued a serial of travel bans preventing nationals of Muslim-majority and select African countries from entering the Us. President Biden rescinded the travel bans ( Executive Club 13780 , Proclamation 9645 , Proclamation 9723 , Proclamation 9983 ) effective immediately. In his declaration, Biden characterized the travel bans equally "a stain on our national conscience."

The initial travel ban (Section three of the " Executive Order 13769 ") suspended the issuance of visas to nationals from Islamic republic of iran, Republic of iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen for 90 days. The ban drew abrupt criticism considering it targeted Muslim-majority countries, and led to protests at airports beyond the country and legal challenges . In subsequent versions of the travel ban, the Trump administration added non-Muslim-majority countries and extended the timeframe for the ban. In a v-4 decision, the Supreme Court ultimately upheld (in Trump v. Hawaii ) the third version of the travel ban, Presidential Announcement 9645.  The bans have halted the admissions of targeted groups and prevented families from reunifying or even from visiting one another. Muslim Americans and religious leaders of many faiths praised Biden for ending the ban.

Executive Order on the Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities – January 20, 2021

This social club revised immigration enforcement policies and priorities and rescinded the Trump administration Executive Lodge 13768 , which chosen for the prompt removal of all undocumented immigrants living in the United States and withdrew federal funding from so-called sanctuary states. Biden'south executive club directs relevant federal agencies to issue new guidance about clearing enforcement priorities.

Quondam administrations prioritized removal of immigrants convicted of serious crimes, those who threatened national security, and recent border entrants.  A 2019 analysis from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University on Trump-era enforcement found that "despite ascent numbers of individuals detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Water ice), fewer and fewer individuals who have committed and been convicted of serious crimes are amid them." The Trump administration'southward enforcement priorities were so broad that they effectively set no priorities at all.

They besides came at an enormous price to mixed-status families; i.e., those with undocumented and US denizen members. Using data from the Center for Migration Studies (CMS), a Marshall Project report estimated that 909,000 mixed-condition families would face financial hardship and risk falling into poverty if their undocumented breadwinners were deported. The costs of deportation to families include financial hardship and the trauma of their separation and division.

In response to Biden's Executive Lodge, Acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary David Pekoske immediately issued a memorandum directing DHS agencies to review enforcement policies and provide recommendations for revised policies within 100 days. The memorandum ordered a 100-twenty-four hour period pause on the removal of noncitizens, with exceptions for noncitizens who pose a danger to national security; who were not in the U.s. before November one, 2020; who voluntarily waive any rights to remain in the United states of america; and who the acting ICE Director determines must leave the country. The memorandum too established the following enforcement priorities:

  • Those who have engaged in or are suspected of terrorism or espionage, or whose arrest is otherwise necessary to protect national security;
  • Individuals apprehended at the border or ports of entry while attempting to unlawfully enter the Usa on or later on November 1, 2020; and
  • Individuals released from incarceration on or after January 20, 2021, who have been convicted of an aggravated felony and who pose a threat to public safety.

On Jan 26, 2021, Judge Drew Tipton of the U.s.a. District Court of the Southern District of Texas granted a 14-twenty-four hours temporary restraining order blocking the 100-solar day break on removals ordered in Pekoske's memorandum. On February 23, 2021, Judge Tipton granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting the government from implementing the 100-twenty-four hours interruption. The ruling, however, does not block the administration'south enforcement priorities.

According to a Washington Post report , Ice deportations brutal to a record low in Apr 2021. Water ice deported ii,962 people in April, the everyman monthly total on record and a 20 percentage reject from March. If Ice deportation numbers continue at this pace, it may deport fewer than 100,000 people in 2021, the everyman number since the agency'southward founding in 2003.

Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) – Jan twenty, 2021

This memorandum directs the DHS Secretary and Attorney General to take all actions necessary and consistent with applicable police to preserve and fortify the DACA plan. DACA provides relief from deportation, piece of work dominance, and advance parole for unauthorized immigrants who were brought to the United states of america as children. Established in June 2012, the programme has more than than 600,000 active recipients who are " deeply integrated in The states communities and enjoy long continuing connections to the United States, the state that most of them know as their only dwelling house. "

The Trump assistants took several actions to dismantle the DACA program. It kickoff appear that it would end the program in September 2017, and DHS stopped processing new applications. In June 2020, the Us Supreme Court ruled that the administration's endeavour to terminate the plan was unlawful. Notwithstanding, instead of resuming the program, former Interim DHS Secretarial assistant Republic of chad Wolf issued a memorandum curtailing DACA and disallowment first-time applications. On November 14, 2020, a federal district court judge ruled that the memorandum was illegal because Wolf had been improperly appointed to his position and lacked the authority to upshot the order. The judge ordered the administration to reinstate DACA in December 2020, subsequently DHS did not have action to do and so after his November ruling. The January twenty, 2021 memorandum stated that: "DACA reflects a judgment that these immigrants should not be a priority for removal based on humanitarian concerns and other considerations, and that work authorization will enable them to support themselves and their families, and to contribute to our economic system, while they remain."

Proclamation on the Termination Of Emergency With Respect To The Southern Border Of The United states of america And Redirection Of Funds Diverted To Border Wall Structure – January 20, 2021

President Biden halted structure of the wall along the US-Mexico border and stated that funds for edge wall construction would be reallocated following a review of construction contracts. In April 2021, the Department of Defense announced that it is coordinating with interagency partners to cancel border wall projects and contracts.

Throughout his presidency and the 2016 campaign, President Trump promised to build a wall spanning the United states-Mexico border.  He also promised that Mexico would pay for the wall. Still, this did non occur, and work on the wall cost American taxpayers approximately $fifteen billion dollars . Moreover, a disagreement between Congress and the administration over funding for the wall triggered the longest government shutdown in Us history .

In guild to fund the wall without consent from Congress, Trump issued Proclamation 9844, " Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Southern Border of the United States ." CMS raised questions about the need for a wall and the national security rationale for declaring an emergency. It found that the multiyear reject in US undocumented population had been driven by Mexican nationals returning to United mexican states, and since 2010, nigh 2-thirds of new arrivals into the Us undocumented population had overstayed temporary visas, a practice the wall would do nothing to finish.

Border communities and environmentalists accept chosen on Biden to take steps to remediate ecology and cultural destruction acquired by construction of the wall.  Hundreds of miles of borderlands, including sacred Native American sites and protected public lands, take been bulldozed, blasted, and parched over the by four years due to structure of the wall, with little environmental assessment or oversight . In April 2021, DHS announced plans for initial steps to correct the impairment acquired by wall construction. The agency will gear up holes in the Rio Grande Valley Inundation Barrier System and soil erosion over a 14-mile stretch of border wall in San Diego, California.

"Like every nation, the United States has a right and a duty to secure its borders and protect its people confronting threats," Biden wrote in the declaration. "Just building a massive wall that spans the entire southern edge is not a serious policy solution."

Executive Order on Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Demography – Jan xx, 2021

President Biden reversed a Trump administration gild issued in July 2020 that sought to exclude undocumented immigrants from the 2020 Demography.  Under the 14th Amendment of the Usa Constitution, the demography counts the number of people in each state every 10 years. Between Jan 3 and January x post-obit a census year, the president is required to submit a statement with demography numbers to Congress, which Congress uses to apportion seats among the states for the Business firm of Representatives.

Trump'southward executive guild stated his intentions to submit a reapportionment programme to Congress that would have excluded all undocumented immigrants in January 2021. Trump requested two sets of numbers: one prepare with the whole number of persons in each state and the other with the number of undocumented immigrants in each state, which would be subtracted from the whole number for the purposes of apportioning Firm seats by land. Experts say it is not possible to offer an accurate count in the way Trump requested.

The order seemed to be retaliatory towards sanctuary cities and states that disagreed with his clearing priorities. It provided that states adopting policies that encourage undocumented immigrants to enter the state and those that have a large population of undocumented immigrants should non be rewarded with greater representation in the House of Representatives.

In July 2020, 23 states, immigrant rights advocates, and other groups filed several lawsuits challenging Trump's executive order in federal court, blocking the plan from going into upshot. The Trump administration appealed those rulings to the U.s. Supreme Court, which ruled in Dec 2020 that it was premature to consider the matter because states had not withal been injured. Biden'south executive order ensures that undocumented immigrants are included and states will not lose congressional representation or federal funding due to an incomplete census count.

Memorandum Reinstating Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians – January 20, 2021

President Biden reinstated Deferred Enforced Divergence (DED) for Liberians through June 30, 2022. The memorandum also restores DED for those who were previously protected before it expired on January 10, 2021. DED provides temporary protection against deportation and work authorization to nationals of designated countries authorized by the president at his discretion.

Certain Liberians were beginning offered Temporary Protected Status (TPS) by the George H.W. Bush administration because of the Liberian Civil War. Subsequent administrations extended TPS or DED to Liberians due to ongoing violence and later the Ebola crisis. The National Defence Authorization Human action for Fiscal Twelvemonth 2020 established the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness (LRIF) programme. LRIF is the first Usa legalization program in many years. However, USCIS did not approve a single application in the first four months of the program, which was originally fix to elapse in Dec 2020. COVID-19 further slowed application processing. On December 27, 2020, President Trump signed into police force the Consolidated Appropriations Act , which extended the borderline to apply for LRIF relief to December 20, 2021. Biden's memorandum extending DED provides Liberians with protection against deportation and work authorization as they apply for permanent residence.

The memorandum also directs the DHS Secretary to ensure ease of application and timely adjudication of applications for LRIF benefits. In order to authorize for the LRIF program, applicants must: (ane) properly consummate a Form I-485 Application; (2) be a national of Republic of liberia; (3) have been continuously physically present in the United States during the period between November 20, 2014 and the engagement they file a Form I-485 Application; and (4) have non been convicted of an aggravated felony, ii or more crimes involving moral turpitude, or persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social grouping. CMS has estimated that potentially x,000 Liberians are eligible for LRIF relief.

US Citizenship Deed of 2021

On January 20, 2021, President Biden endorsed the  US Citizenship Act of 2021  memorializing his commitment to modernize the U.s. clearing system. On February 18, 2021, Senator Bob Menendez and Congresswoman Linda Sanchez introduced the bill . If passed by Congress, the bill would correspond the most sweeping immigration reform package since 1990 and would create the largest legalization programme in United states of america history, including the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 .  In item, the Act would:

  • Provide an eight-year pathway to citizenship for approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants . Undocumented persons physically present in the U.s.a. on or before January one, 2021 would be able to apply for temporary Lawful Prospective Immigrant (LPI) status immediately and permanent residence after v years. Immigrants who engaged in essential critical labor or services during the COVID-xix public health emergency, H-2A non-immigrants (temporary agricultural workers), and Temporary Protected Condition (TPS) recipients would as well exist eligible for LPI status.
  • Reduce the residence requirement for naturalization from v years to three years for all lawful permanent residents.
  • Make noncitizens who entered the Usa as children, including and DACA recipients, eligible for lawful permanent residence (LPR).
  • Make nationals of countries designated for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Deferred Enforcement Difference (DED) who accept been continuously physically present in the Usa since Jan 1, 2017 and were eligible for TPS or DED on that engagement, eligible for permanent residence.
  • Make workers who performed agricultural labor or services for at to the lowest degree 2,300 hours or 400 workdays, including seasonal or temporary piece of work, for a five-year period immediately preceding the appointment they file their adjustment of status application, eligible for LPR status.
  • Eliminate bars that prohibit immigrants from returning to the United states of america for three years or ten years if they lived without condition in the United States for more than 180 days simply less than 1 yr or over one year, respectively.
  • Change the discussion "alien" to "noncitizen" in all immigration laws in an effort to recognize the United states as a nation of immigrants.
  • Reform family unit- and employment-based immigration by recapturing millions of previously unused visas to reduce green card backlogs and by eliminating per-country visa caps.
  • Expand eligibility for V visas, which allow sure immigrants to bring together their petitioning family members in the United States while they await for their green cards to go bachelor.
  • Provide immigration relief for permanent LGBTQ couples that cannot get married in their jurisdictions. Permanent partners would be considered equal to a married couple. Children of immigrant permanent partners would also be eligible for immigration relief.
  • Eliminate the one-year deadline for filing asylum applications in the United States and provide funding to reduce asylum application backlogs.
  • Aggrandize refugee and asylum processing in the Western Hemisphere and provide resources to back up and strengthen processing and resettlement chapters.
  • Constitute the Central American Refugee Program, which would allow nationals of El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, or whatever other Central American country designated past the Secretary of Country to apply for refugee resettlement.
  • Creates a Special Immigrant Condition program for Syrians who worked for the United States government in Syria and for surviving spouses and children of US government employees abroad who worked for 15 years or were killed in the line of duty.
  • Creates the U.s. Citizenship and Integration Foundation and other immigrant integration initiatives that would promote expansion of citizenship training assistance for LPRs and naturalization applicants and provide grants to aid individuals who are eligible for LPI and LPR status.
  • Prohibit discrimination based on religion and limit presidential authority to issue discriminatory travel bans in the future.
  • Supplement existing border resources with engineering and infrastructure to expedite screening, enhance the ability to process asylum seekers, and discover narcotics and other contraband.
  • Direct the DHS Secretary to plant programs that provide alternatives to detention.
  • Provide funding for training and continuing educational activity for Border Patrol agents to promote safe and professionalism .
  • Create the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Professional Responsibility to investigate criminal and authoritative misconduct by agents.
  • Seek to reduce clearing courtroom backlogs , aggrandize training for immigration judges, and better applied science for clearing courts.
  • Provide funding for legal orientation programs and counsel for children and vulnerable individuals.
  • Address underlying causes of migration by increasing assistance to El salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, and establishing processing centers throughout Central America for individuals that are eligible for lawful migration to the The states or other partner countries.
  • Reinstate the Fundamental American Minors program, which would grant special immigrant status to certain Fundamental American children who have a parent that is lawfully present in the United states.
  • Create a Primal American Family Reunification Parole Program to unite families with approved family-based petitions.
  • Increase the number of variety visas from 55,000 to 80,000 and raise the cap on U visas (victims of certain crimes) from 10,000 to xxx,000.
  • Provide dependents of H-1B visa holders (highly skilled workers) with work authorization and prevent their children from aging out of the system and being forced to leave the United States.
  • Provide that strange graduates of United states of america universities with advanced STEM degrees would not be subject to numerical visa limits.
  • Create a pilot program for regional economic development visas, which authorizes the DHS Secretarial assistant to let access of 10,000 additional immigrants per year whose employment is essential to economical development strategies of local communities.
  • Require DHS and the Department of Labor (DOL) to establish a commission of labor, employer, and civil rights organizations to make recommendations to meliorate the employment verification process.
  • Provide immigrant workers who endure serious labor violations with greater access to U visa relief and protect workers who are victims of workplace retaliation from deportation to let labor agencies to interview them and investigate their situations.

A more detailed overview of the US Citizenship Human action is available here .

DHS Statement on the Break of New Enrollments in the Migrant Protection Protocols Programme – January twenty, 2021

DHS announced that it was suspending the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), effective Jan 21, 2021. MPP, as well known equally the Remain in Mexico policy, was established by the Trump assistants in January 2019. Information technology allowed border officers to transport not-Mexicans who sought asylum at the US southern border to United mexican states to expect their immigration hearings. Prior to the MPP, asylum seekers were able to wait for their hearings in the United states of america. Over 67,000 migrants have been subject to the program and many are still waiting for their hearings in camps along the southern border. Under the DHS proclamation, no new individuals will be enrolled in the program.

On February 12, 2021, the Biden administration appear plans to allow tens of thousands of asylum seekers who were forced to remain in Mexico under MPP to enter the United states of america. The get-go moving ridge of asylum-seekers with active cases under MPP were admitted to the United states on February 19, 2021. On March iii, 2021, DHS established a website to provide updates on the current of air-down of the MPP plan and DHS's plan to admit individuals enrolled in MPP to complete their clearing proceedings. MPP enrollees can register online or over the telephone to start the procedure, and DHS will ostend they have a pending immigration court case. After they exam negative for COVID-nineteen, enrollees are transported by facilitating organizations to the designated port of entry for processing into the Us. As of May 2021, x,000 asylum seekers subject to the MPP programme have been admitted to the U.s.a..

Proclamation on the Interruption of Entry equally Immigrants and Non-Immigrants of Certain Boosted Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus Disease (January 25, 2021)

On January 25, 2021, the Biden administration reinstated COVID-19 travel restrictions on most non-US citizen travelers from Brazil, Ireland, the United Kingdom, 26 European countries in the Schengen zone, and Due south Africa. These restrictions were issued in response to rising cases of COVID-19 globally, and recently discovered variant strains of the virus institute in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, South Africa, and Brazil. Any foreign nationals who have been to these countries inside 14 days of their scheduled travel to the U.s. will be denied entry. These travel restrictions will non apply to:

  • The states lawful permanent residents (LPRs);
  • Noncitizen spouses, children, parents, or legal guardians of Usa citizens or LPRs;
  • Noncitizen siblings of United states citizens or LPRs who are unmarried and nether the age of 21;
  • Prospective adoptees seeking to enter the United states of america pursuant to IR-4 or IH-4 visas;
  • Noncitizens traveling at the invitation of the US government for purposes related to containment or mitigation of the coronavirus;
  • Noncitizens with C-ane, D, or C-1/D nonimmigrant visas equally air or sea crewmembers;
  • Noncitizens with A-1, A-2, C-2 or C-3 visas (foreign government officials and their family members), Eastward-i visas (employees of Taipei Economical and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), also known as Taipei Economical and Cultural Role (TECO) and their family members), K-1, Chiliad-2, One thousand-3, Grand-4, NATO-1 through NATO-4, or NATO-half dozen visas (employees of international organizations and NATO); or whose travel falls within the scope of Department eleven of the United nations Headquarters Understanding;
  • Noncitizens who are members of the US Armed forces and their spouses and children;
  • Noncitizens whose entry would farther sure US law enforcement objectives; and
  • Noncitizens whose entry would be in the national involvement.

Executive Lodge on the Establishment of Interagency Task Strength on the Reunification of Families – February 2, 2021

Hundreds of children are withal separated from their families in the aftermath of the Trump administration's "aught tolerance" border policy. In April 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions directed US Attorney's Offices along the southwest edge to prosecute and detain every developed caught crossing the border illegally. Migrant children cannot be in US custody for more than 20 days, unless they are in licensed childcare facilities.  In order to go on parents in detention centers indefinitely, the Trump administration separated children from their parents. Children were taken into custody past the Department of Wellness and Man Services (HHS).

The policy was roundly criticized as cruel and inhumane . Dr. Colleen Kraft, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, described the policy as " authorities-sanctioned child corruption " after visiting one the facilities housing separated children.  A 2019 study from the HHS Inspector General found that "separated children exhibited more fear, feelings of abandonment, and mail service-traumatic stress than did children who were not separated," and "some separated children expressed astute grief that caused them to cry inconsolably." The written report highlighted the challenges facing HHS staff and their disability to come across the mental health needs of children traumatized past family separation.

After months of protests , Trump issued Executive Order 13841 on June 20, 2018 to halt family separation. However, in exercise, the policy connected covertly . Overall, more than v,500 children were separated from their parents, and hundreds remain separated.

On January 26, 2021, the Department of Justice (DOJ) rescinded the "nada tolerance" policy. Acting Attorney Full general Monty Wilkinson issued a memorandum to federal prosecutors nationwide stating the DOJ would return to its longstanding policy of making individual assessments on whether to bring criminal charges against border crossers.

Biden's February 2nd EO established a Family Reunification Chore Forcefulness that will piece of work to reunite families. The Task Strength consists of department heads of the DHS, DOS, HHS, the Attorney General, and other officers from those agencies. The job force was tasked with:

  • Identifying all children who were separated from their families at the United states-Mexico edge between Jan 20, 2017 and January 20, 2021.
  • Facilitating the reunification of each of the identified children with their families.
  • Consulting with the children, their families and representatives or other stakeholders concerning the families' preferences, parental rights, and the children's well-being.
  • Providing regular reports to the President including an initial progress report within 120 days and acting reports every threescore days.

The EO also revoked Executive Social club 13481 and condemned "the homo tragedy that occurred when our clearing laws were used to intentionally separate children from their parents or legal guardians (families)."

On May 3, 2021, the Biden assistants announced that 4 migrant families who were separated under the prior assistants's "cipher tolerance" border policy would be reunited. The four parents – who were deported without their children – were given humanitarian parole, assuasive them to return to the United states of america. Another 30 deported migrant parents are expected to reunite with their children in the United States in May and June of 2021. The chore force estimates that more than than ane,000 families remain separated.

This order aims to improve the United states of america clearing system, to ensure applications and petitions are adjudicated efficiently, and to develop strategies to promote integration, inclusion, and citizenship. The order:

  • Directs the Secretary of State, Attorney Full general, and DHS Secretarial assistant to review all recent regulations, policies, and guidance that have limited clearing. Within xc days of the executive order, they are charged with submitting a program to the President describing the steps their respective agencies volition take to advance this policy.
  • Directs the White Business firm Domestic Policy Council (DPC) to convene a Job Force on New Americans that volition focus on promoting immigrant integration and inclusion.
  • Establishes an Interagency Working Group to develop a national strategy to promote naturalization.
  • Directs the DOS Secretarial assistant, Attorney General, and DHS Secretarial assistant to develop a program to amend the naturalization process and nowadays information technology inside 60 days.
  • Revokes the Presidential Memorandum of May 23, 2019 , which chosen for more than stringent enforcement of immigration sponsorship requirements.

The Trump assistants took numerous steps to impede legal clearing. According to a 2019 report from CMS , immigrants advance in employment, income, and education as they graduate to permanent residence and citizenship. These advances, in turn, allow them to contribute more than to their communities. Yet, a number of regulations and policies have made information technology more than difficult for immigrants to go permanent residents and U.s. citizens, including:

  • A DHS dominion, which expanded the public charge grounds for inadmissibility. On March 9, 2021, the rule was permanently blocked after DHS stated that it would no longer pursue appeals of judicial decisions blocking enforcement of the rule.  As a result, the decision of the US District Court of the Northern Commune of Illinois, which vacated the dominion nationwide in November 2020, stands. The rule sought to consider for the first fourth dimension non-cash medical, housing, and food benefits in making public accuse determinations. Information technology also heavily weighed factors such every bit income and education against access, with the intended effect of denying permanent residence to lower-income, working-class persons. The rule faced numerous legal challenges and had a " chilling effect " – fifty-fifty before it went into issue — on families seeking public assist for their children. CMS estimated that 25 one thousand thousand undocumented persons and 212,000 nonimmigrants would exist directly affected by the rule because they alive with a US citizen or LPR family member who can petition for a visa for them.
  • A proclamation requiring light-green card applicants to prove they will have admission to wellness insurance or the financial resource to cover all their health needs.
  • USCIS fee hikes, which the Usa District Court of the Northern Commune of California blocked in September 2020.

These and other policies acquired a decline in legal immigration and had peculiarly negative consequences for the Usa citizen children of immigrants.

Executive Order on Creating a Comprehensive Regional Framework to Address the Causes of Migration, to Manage Migration Throughout North and Central America, and to Provide Condom and Orderly Processing of Asylum Seekers at the United states Edge – February 2, 2021

On February 2, 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Society outlining a multi-pronged arroyo to managing migration from Central and Northward America. Biden said his administration would work closely with ceremonious guild groups, international organizations, and governments in the region. The EO seeks to strengthen the asylum and refugee protection systems in North and Key American countries and to restore the US asylum system, peculiarly along the United states of america-United mexican states border.

The order directs an interagency squad to set up a "Root Causes Strategy" to address the underlying factors leading to migration and a "Collaboration Direction Strategy" to enhance protection and create more than legal migration avenues for those in need of protection. It likewise directs:

  • The Secretaries of DOS and DHS to review mechanisms to identify and process individuals from Northern Triangle countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, and Republic of honduras) who are eligible for refugee resettlement in the United States and to consider reinstating and expanding the Fundamental American Minors (CAM) Program, which permits Central American children to reunify with their legally present parents in the United States. On March ten, DOS announced information technology would restart the CAM program.
  • The DHS Secretary and the Manager of the Centers for Illness Command and Prevention (CDC) to develop policies to facilitate safety and orderly processing of asylum claims at the US southern border and to review procedures for individuals who were placed in expedited removal proceedings at the border.
  • The DHS Secretary to review and make up one's mind whether to terminate or modify the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program and consider a phased strategy for individuals who were subject to the program to safely enter the United states of america. On January 20, 2021, DHS suspended MPP, which returned non-Mexicans who sought asylum at the U.s.a. southern border to Mexico to wait for their clearing hearings.
  • The DHS Secretarial assistant to stop implementing the Prompt Asylum Case Review and Humanitarian Asylum Review Process , programs that lessen the amount of time asylees have to prepare for credible fear interviews and limit their contact with legal representatives.
  • The DHS Secretary to submit a report inside 120 days to the President with recommendations for creating a more efficient and timely process, which adheres to standard of fairness and due process.
  • The Attorney Full general and DHS Secretary to examine rules, regulations, decisions, and internal guidelines for adjudicating asylum claims and to produce articulation regulations addressing the circumstances in which a person should be considered a fellow member of a " detail social group ."

The executive guild announces the administration's intention to terminate Asylum Cooperative agreements betwixt the United States and Northern Triangle countries. These agreements permit the United States to remove certain migrants seeking asylum at US borders to Northern Triangle countries where they will have to seek protection. The agreements severely restricted access to asylum because the Northern Triangle countries do non take comparable asylum systems to the United states of america. On February five, 2021, the Us withdrew from its understanding with Republic of guatemala.

The EO besides revoked the post-obit executive deportment:

  • Executive Society 13767 , issued on January 25, 2017, which directed executive agencies to secure the southern border and forbid illegal immigration into the United States, and called for immediate structure of a wall along the southern border.
  • Proclamation 9880 , issued on May eight, 2019, which deemed immigrants who entered the United States without inspection ineligible for asylum.
  • Presidential Memorandum of April 29, 2019 , which prevented certain asylum seekers from pursuing whatsoever other form of immigration relief, required adjudication of asylum cases within 180 days of filing, imposed an application fee for asylum claims, and barred asylum seekers who entered the United States without inspection from receiving piece of work authorisation while their applications were pending.
  • Presidential Memorandum of April vi, 2018 , which prevented DHS from releasing immigrants from detention while their immigration cases were pending.
  • Presidential Memorandum of April four, 2018 , which deployed the National Guard to secure the southwest border.

Biden's EO also directs review of the post-obit policies to determine whether to terminate or modify them:

  • Order Suspending the Right to Introduce Sure Persons From Countries Where a Quarantinable Catching Illness Exist s
  • Control of Communicable Diseases; Foreign Quarantine: Suspension of the Right to Innovate and Prohibition of Introduction of Persons into the U.s.a. from Designated Foreign Countries or Places for Public Health Purposes
  • Aliens Discipline to a Bar on Entry Under Sure Presidential Proclamations; Procedures for Protection Claims
  • Asylum Eligibility and Procedural Modifications
  • Implementing Bilateral and Multilateral Asylum Cooperation Agreements Under the Immigration and Nationality Act
  • Designating Aliens for Expedited Removal

On March 24, 2021, President Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with coordinating efforts with Fundamental American countries to address the root causes of migration. Harris is leading diplomatic efforts with United mexican states and Fundamental America's Northern Triangle countries, to brand it safer for people to remain in their home countries and apply for visas and dark-green cards in that location, instead of taking dangerous irregular migration routes to the United States.

Executive Society on Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs to Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate change on Migration – Feb 4, 2021

On February iv, 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order on fortifying programs to resettle refugees and to examine the bear upon of climate change on migration. In advance of signing the order, Biden stated his intent to lift the almanac cap on refugee admissions in the United States to 125,000 for financial year 2022 and to increase the cap for 2021 besides. Old President Trump lowered the cap on refugee admissions each year of his presidency and set the cap at fifteen,000 admissions for 2021.

The US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) was established past The Refugee Human activity of 1980. In the plan'southward twoscore-year history, the United states has resettled more than than three.i million refugees. Over time, refugees have been highly successful in the Us. They go US citizens, homeowners, English speakers, workers, business owners, college-educated, insured, and calculator literate at high rates. Resettled refugees are also the most heavily vetted entrants into the United States, and they can heighten U.s.a. economic and security interests . USRAP formerly enjoyed bipartisan support. However, the Trump administration cast this life-saving programme every bit a threat, burden, and at odds with his America Offset ethic. Across setting record depression admissions ceilings, Trump issued orders on farthermost vetting ( EO 13815 and Presidential Memorandum on March 6, 2017 ), and that required the consent of states and localities to the resettlement of refugees in their jurisdictions ( EO 13888 ). The later on policy was alleged unlawful past a federal judge, after many states and localities said they would go on to welcome refugees.

Biden's February 4th order revoked EO 13815, EO 13888, and the Presidential Memorandum on March 6, 2017, which directed DHS and DOS to implement more rigorous vetting processes for visa applicants. It likewise directs relevant agencies to heighten and review the refugee resettlement program, strengthen refugee vetting, and build the program's adjudication capacity to ensure an efficient, safe and timely process. It also commits to prioritizing the resettlement of women, children, and others facing persecution because of their gender or sexual orientation. Information technology calls for an interagency exam of the touch on of climate change on migration and how to address the needs of immigrants displaced by climate change. The club likewise directs a review of the Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) programme for Iraqi and Afghan Allies to ensure these visas are issued efficiently and to evaluate if the United states should extend SIV programs to persons who assist the US government in conflict areas, regardless of their nationality.

Memorandum for the Secretarial assistant of Country on the Emergency Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2021 – April 16, 2021

On Apr 16, 2021, President Biden signed an emergency presidential determination that temporarily kept in identify the Trump administration's historically low refugee admissions cap of 15,000 for FY 2021 but returned to allocating refugee admissions based on region. Under the former president'southward directive, stringent restrictions were placed on accepting refugees from sure African and majority-Muslim countries and priority was given to Christians who faced religious persecution and Iraqis who worked for the United states of america military.

A Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry as Nonimmigrants of Sure Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus Disease 2019 – April 30, 2021

On April 30, 2021, the Biden administration imposed new COVID-19 travel restrictions on nearly non-United states citizens traveling from India. The restrictions were prompted by reports of over 300,000 boilerplate new daily COVID-19 cases in India that calendar week and a new variant strain of the virus circulating in India. Any foreign national who has been to India at any point 14 days earlier their scheduled travel to the United States will be denied entry. These travel restrictions will not use to U.s.a. citizens and lawful permanent residents (LPRs), certain noncitizen family unit members of US citizens and LPRs, and noncitizens with specific visas or whose entry would be in the national interest.

Memorandum for the Secretary of State on the Emergency Presidential Decision on Refugee Admissions for Financial Yr 2021 – May 3, 2021

On May 3, 2021, President Biden increased the refugee admissions ceiling for FY 2021 from 15,000 to 62,500. Biden also reaffirmed his intention to enhance the ceiling to 125,000 for FY 2022. This commitment was office of his entrada platform and a pledge he made when announcing his February iv thursday EO on refugee resettlement and climate migration . The May third presidential decision on refugees includes 22,000 slots for Africa, 6,000 for East Asia, four,000 for Europe and Cardinal Asia, 5,000 for Latin America/Caribbean, 13,000 for Almost East/South asia, and 12,500 that are unallocated. Biden acknowledged that it would be challenging to resettle 62,500 refugees this year (through the first half-dozen months of FY 2021 only two,050 refugees had been admitted) and to encounter its 125,000 goal for FY 2022 because of the "the damage of the last iv years." He said his budget to Congress "reflects my commitment to the goal of 125,000 refugee admissions" and to "American leadership and American values when it comes to refugee admissions."

February two, 2021, Updated: May 24, 2021


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